The Egyptian Tyet: A Strong Protective Amulet

The Tyet (also known as tit, girdle of Isis, blood of Isis or buckle of isis) is an ancient Egyptian symbol that is connected to the Goddess Isis. This symbol has a strong resemblance with Ankh except that its arms are curved down.

In Ancient Egypt, this object was a true magical tool. The Tyet symbol was found mainly in Egyptian funerary murals. It is an object that unites “the world from above” and “the world from below”.  It was worn as a protective talisman by both the dead and living.

It was also used to represent the flow of menstrual blood from the womb of the Goddess and its magical properties. In the New Kingdom Funerary Text, Spell 156 of the Book of the Dead, it is stated that a Tyet amulet made of red jasper should be placed at the neck of a mummy. This would protect the mummy’s body from those who intend to commit a crime against him.

Such amulets were often made of red jasper or red glass or similarly colored materials. Also, some were made of green materials such as the Egyptian faience, whose color represented the renewal of life. The Tyet symbol can be found together with the Djed symbol and they depict the duality of life.

The Use Of Knot of Isis as an Amulet

Do you sometimes feel like your energy is being drained by evil forces? Do you feel like you have been cursed with bad luck? If yes, then you can protect yourself from negative invasion using the girdle of Isis.

The Tyet can serve as both a personal and aura protection tool. At first, it protects you with positive radionic emissions, that serves as a shield that prevents negative energy from entering your personal sphere. Secondly, it is known to strengthen your aura energy which in turn keeps you healthy physically and mentally.

This amulet has a double radiation; one from the top and the other from the bottom. Their combined action produces a very powerful energy field that is highly protective for the person wearing it.


How To Use Tyet Amulet

Hang it somewhere in your house, in the main room or in your bedroom. You can also decorate your curtain or furniture with this symbol. Use it in one of the main rooms if you want your whole home to benefit from the radionic protection of this amulet. Its radiation is known to have a particularly large amplitude, so you can use it effectively even in a house with several floors.



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