Basic Ingredients and Curios Used in Hoodoo

crushing herbs in mortar and pestal

In folk magic, almost every item you can find around you has a magical aspect to it. Think about things such as chalk, sand, wood, urine, water, stone, bottle, mud, etc. They are all useful to us depending on the rituals that are being performed.

In this article, I will identify some common magickal ingredients and curios and their uses in root workings, spells, and other rituals.

Aside from being used as food, beans can be used in magical rituals.

For example:

Black turtle beans———–used to prevent hurdles and make important decisions.
Cranberry beans————– to attract new opportunities.
Canary beans——————- to bring success and happiness
Fava beans–———————to bring power, and make all your wishes come true.
Pink beans –———————-to build self-confidence and for romance spells.
Green pigeon beans———————–for resourcefulness and attraction of wealth.

This is the seed pod of Trapa bicornis, which is an aquatic Asian plant. It is glossy and black and about two to three inches from tip to tip.
The Devil Pod is commonly used to ward off evil and for that reason, it is often placed above the doorway facing outward. It is also a common component of the mojo bag as it serves to keep enemies away from the owner.

It is used to absorb all the negativity that might surround your home, office and surroundings. Traditionally, the black lava salt is scattered around an area and after a period of time, it is swept up and discarded in order to dispose the absorbed toxic energies.

You can also use the black salt to prevent nightmares. Just sprinkle it around your bed before sleeping at night.

THE BLACK CAT BONE:black cat bone
This is a lucky type of charm that is used in hoodoo and African American magical traditions. The black cat bone brings good luck, protection, and success and can be used as an invisibility charm. When anointed with Van Van oil, you can carry it as a component of your mojo bag.

Black Cat Hair:
This serves as a lucky charm for gamblers. You can also use it in a bottle spell to make a couple break up.

The Blue Stones:
They can be used to attract luck in gambling, to attract good spirits, ward off negative ones, for protection and success.

The Red Brick Dust:
Sprinkle the red brick dust at the entrance of your house or workplace and it will prevent the entrance of negative energies into your abode. It can also be used to attract luck and money.

This is a very common item that is found in every voodoo altar. The broom is used for protection, cleansing, purification and to ward off unwelcome visitors.

Coffin Nails
These are used in spells of malice and to break up couples. It can also be used to cause illness to the targeted individual.

Cowrie shells cowie Shells
Cowrie shells are used for making pieces of jewelry worn by the most traditional worshippers. They are also used in divination. The cowries represent female genitals and that make them useful in love and jinxing spells.

Goofer dust –
This type of dust is used for jinxing an enemy in the family and other evil workings. You can use it in making a killing powder. Some persons use the Goofer dust for attracting job, money and good health.

Love Drawing Hoodoo Curios

True love start with self love. When you are ready to begin looking for a potential relationship, use these small rituals to invite the spirit of love into your life.

  • In a small mojo bag you could carry stones like rose quartz and amethyst.
  • Herbs like orris root and licorice root, or even Adam and Eve root, or perhaps strawberry leaf is also very good for love drawing
  • And bathing and perfumes are important to increase love attraction, especially if you’re using herbs, such as the ones I mentioned above, and perhaps adding some honey or roses in your bath water to increase your attractiveness.

Money Drawing Hoodoo Curios

Cash money is only one way that the spirit of prosperity can manifest in our lives. Consciously interacting with the spirit of prosperity in small ways every day can lead to big results in the long run.

Items you can use to work with the spirit of prosperity include:

  • Cinnamon, nutmeg, orange, and allspice, are all good herbs for drawing money.
  • Pyrite and tiger’s eye stones can be carried with you to draw money. It’s best to keep the stones in a small Mojo bag.
  • You could use money-drawing oil to anoint your purse or wallet every day, so it draws money towards the items that you want to keep full of money!
  • If you have a business, you could sprinkle either Sassafrass, or some type of money drawing powder at the front door of your business to attract customers.

How to stop gossip with these curios

  • You use red string, nails, and hot peppers on the cow’s tongue. You then wrap it in muslin and bury it after the ritual is finished. Some people say you need to say Psalms, but this isn’t necessary for this specific work.

Road Opening Curios

Everyday we make both big and small decisions. Each of these decisions changes our path and opens new roads before us. At times, the road we have chosen may be closed off, this is where this work comes into play. Open roads can result in increased opportunity and travel.

  • They say to read Psalms number 40 every day in the morning to help open roads for that day, that’s if you read Psalms
  • You could wear a key is a necklace to represent the unlocking of doors.
  • Abre Camino and ginger are all good for road opening work
  • Crossroad dirt is used in road opening rituals

Other Examples of Items Used in Hoodoo Practices Include:

Crucifix – for protection; blessing.
Epsom salts – to disarm enemies; purification bath and floor wash.
Dice (pair) – good luck; gambling luck.
Four-leaf clover – luck; gambling luck.
Graveyard dirt – When blessed with holy water, it can be used for protection. It can also be used to cause unnatural illness in enemies.
Magnetic sand – drawing love and money.
Saltpeter – It is used for protection; purification; uncrossing; changing luck.
Dollar sign – good luck; gambling luck.
Needles – It is used for carving names on candles for spells. It can also be used for focusing intent doll magic.

In Conclusion

The list of items used in hoodoo is quite exhaustive because just like I said earlier, almost every item you can find around has a magickal component in it. All you need to do is to know the power of those items and then use them to achieve your intentions.

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