STFU/Cows Tongue Spell

Beef tongue spell to shut someone’s mouth for good

Have you ever been the target of harmful gossip? Maybe you’ve been the one spreading rumors about others. Gossip has an insidious way of creeping into our lives and wreaking havoc on relationships, careers, and personal well-being. It’s normal to want to defend ourselves against malicious rumors, but what can we do when words no longer seem to work?

Enter hoodoo and witchcraft – powerful tools that have been used for centuries to dispel negativity and protect against harm. No need to get your In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using hoodoo and witchcraft to stop gossip dead in its tracks.

Gossip is destructive. Whether it’s a malicious rumor about your personal life, or damaging gossip in the workplace, the results can be devastating. Imagine trying to advance in your career, but every time you make a move, someone is spreading rumors that damage your reputation. Or, maybe you find yourself the target of vicious gossip in your social circle, leading to strained relationships and social isolation.

So, what can we do to protect ourselves and stop gossip in its tracks? One powerful tool for hoodoo and witchcraft practitioners is the use of a beef tongue product. This product is said to stop gossip by “silencing” those who spread it. The origins of using beef tongue can be traced back to African and Afro-Caribbean ancestry, specifically the Yoruba tribe, where it was used for binding spells. Today, many hoodoo and witchcraft practitioners use this method to counteract harmful gossip.

Beef tongue spell overview

To use this tool, you’ll need a fresh beef tongue (available at most grocery stores) and some other basic materials. Once you have the beef tongue, begin by lighting a white candle and calling upon your ancestors and spiritual guides for guidance and protection. Then, write the name of the person or people who are spreading gossip on the beef tongue with a black marker. Visualize their harmful words being rendered useless as you focus your energy on the tongue.

Next, sprinkle the beef tongue with a mixture of salt and black pepper, which is believed to add an element of protection against further harm. Wrap the beef tongue with twine or ribbon, symbolizing the binding of the person’s tongue and rendering them speechless. Finally, bury the beef tongue in the dirt near your home or workplace, asking the spirits to protect you and silence those who would do you harm.

There are several variations of the beef tongue spell that you can use, depending on your specific situation. Some practitioners add additional herbs, oils, or chants to the spell to enhance its effectiveness. Regardless of the method you choose, it’s essential that you approach the spell with respect and reverence for the power it holds.

Option 1: beef tongue spell

What you will need:
• Beef Tongue
• Black String
• Heavy Gauge Needle
• Brown Paper for Petition Paper (Tear it from a clean brown paper bag
• Black Ink Pen
• Stop Gossip Powder & Oil
• 9 Rusty Nails
• 9 Pins
• 9 Needles
• Black Candle
• Knife
• Plate (preferably black or brown colored)
• On the brown paper write the person’s name 9 times, or 3 times per row
Like this:
Name, Name, Name
Name, Name, Name
Name, Name, Name
• Next, turn the paper to the left (counter-clockwise) and write over the name these words
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”
• Dab some of the stop gossip oil on the Petition Paper in a 5 spot manner, one on each corner and one in the center. Like the 5 spots on a dice.
• Dust the Petition Paper with the stop gossip powder
Fold it in half, away from you.
Turn to the left (counter clockwise)
fold away from you again.
Then again one more time (3x’s total).
• Dress the candle first with the stop gossip oil then with the powder.
While dressing the candle, repeat words to have the person’s tongue tied & bound from speaking gossip any longer. You’ll know what to say and it can be as strongly worded as possible.
• After you do that then this is what you do with the Beef Tongue
• Place the tongue on the plate.
Slice a deep cut down the center line of the tongue.
• Stuff the Petition Paper inside the slit.
• Sprinkle the stop gossip powder into the slit.
• Using the heavy gauge needle and the black string or yarn. Tie the entire slice back together.

Sewing the Petition Paper & the STFU powder inside.
• While sewing repeat your spell/pray that your enemy’s tongue be tied shut so they can no longer gossip or cause harm against you.
• Rub the stop gossip oil all over the tied tongue.
• Stick the 9 rusty nails, pins, and needles into the tongue.
• Make a cut then insert the prepared black candle into the cut so it will stand up on or in the tongue.
• Sprinkle the remainder of the stop gossip powder over the tongue. While doing this be sure to be reciting your spell or prayer to stop your enemy from gossiping about you.

Recite Psalm 36 (catholic version) over the tongue, then light the candle and let it burn down completely, you can also use 119
Once the candle has burnt down completely you have several choices on how to dispose of the beef tongue, by now it’s attracting flies while will lay eggs and from that maggots will hatch and start eating the tongue, with that in mind, when you dispose of the tongue picture that happening to the gossiper’s tongue.

You have a choice to either:
• Throw away, preferably in a dumpster away from your home
• Bury it in a cemetery. Be sure to leave an offering of whiskey and a dime.
• Pickle it by placing the tongue in a jar of vinegar and let pickle. This can be kept for a while, stored away in a cabinet, buried permanently, or thrown away in such a way that it will not be broken open. The idea is you want them to “stew” and “pickle” in their own mess.
• If you have a large enough Freezer. Freeze it place the tongue in the freezer to aid in “freezing” their gossip. Keep it there as long as you feel is needed, and eventually throw it away some place where it will rot. In essence you’ve frozen their tongue and then given them a “bad taste” in their mouth if they try to gossip.

Option 2: beef tongue spell

Items needed:

  • A cow tongue,
  • A pen
  • Sturdy twine
  • A knife
  • A piece of paper


Using the knife, slit the center of the cow tongue.
Write the individual’s name on the piece of paper and stick it into the opening you have made.
Use the twine to wrap the tongue tightly.
While doing that, state your intention.

For example, you can say:
“Out of sight, out of mind,

Your wicked talk, I now bind.

Your words go far away from me,

As I will, so it shall be.”

When you are done, take the tongue to somewhere far away and bury it.

STFU/BEEF TONGUE SPELL – This is used to represent your enemy’s wagging tongue and silence it for good. Not to be used lightly and not for the faint of heart. This is a powerful curse to get your enemies to stop gossiping and keep your name out of their mouth.

Gossip can be a harmful force in our lives, but we don’t have to be its victims. By utilizing the powerful tools of hoodoo and witchcraft, such as the beef tongue spell, we can take control of the situation and protect ourselves from further harm. Remember to approach the spell with the utmost respect and focus on your intention of silencing harmful gossip. With the guidance of your ancestors and spiritual guides, you can put a stop to gossip dead in its tracks.

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