Orisha Yemaya: The Goddess of Fertility

You can call on Orisha Yemaya to grant you:
- Healing,
- Fertility,
- Protection,
- Safe journey while travelling on sea,
- Security in finances, job, love, marriage, home,
- Good health and luck in your home,
- Safe child delivery,
- Marriage partner,
- Children when you are barren.
Yemayá is the Mother of the Seven Seas, the Creation Goddess, and Santeria Orisha of fertility and motherhood.
She offers protection to women.
She is likened to the patron saints Lady of Regla, and Mary, Star of the Sea.
Often depicted as a mermaid, she is associated with the moon, ocean, and female mysteries.
She rules the subconscious and creative endeavours.
As such, she is the governess of the household and of matters pertaining to women including childbirth, conception, childhood safety, love, and healing.
Extremely compassionate and merciful, Yemayá rules the Dreamtime, oversees the Moon, deep secrets, ancient wisdom, salt water, sea shells, and the collective unconscious.
Yemayá goes by a number of different names including Queen of Witches, Mother of Fishes, The Constantly Changing Woman, The Ocean Mother, Mother of Dreams and Secrets, Mother of Pearl, and Yemayá-Olokun (powerful dream aspect). Yemayá’s counterpart in Vodoun is called Lasiren, the mermaid. She is related to Mamiwata (Mamma Water), the African water-spirit. Lasiren’s symbols are a mirror and comb.
According to legend, Yemayá originated in Egypt as the Goddess Isis, and then also in other regions as the Goddess Astaroth. It is thought by some that the Nubian slaves who returned to different parts of Africa may have brought Isis with them under the new name of Yemayá.
She has a special relationship with Oshun; who is said to be her sister and Chango who is said to be her child. As typical sisters, Orisha Yamaya allowed Oshun to live in her waters and they both love each other. Also, Yamaya and Chango are said to be inseparable too.
Myth has it that Yemayá gave birth to the 14 Yoruban Goddesses and Gods. When her uterine waters broke, it caused a great flood creating the oceans. The first human man and woman were borne from her womb.
There is a common legend about Yemayá choosing her own students; occasionally someone will disappear, sometimes for seven years, and return with tales of having learned the ways of magick and healing in her undersea dwelling. Her offerings are often doves, but never fish, as these are considered her children.
Characteristics of Orisha Yamaha
Symbols: Seashells, an open shell, 7 seas, 7 skirts, 5 pointed Star of Isis, the Moon, bodies of water.
Colors: blue, green, white, silver.
Associated Number: 7
Sacred Place in Nature: the ocean, lagoons and lakes.
Astrology: The sign of Cancer.
Tarot: The Empress, 3 of cups.
Chakra: Heart.
Stones: Pearls, coral, moonstone, turquoise, light blue crystals and clear crystals.
Fragrance: Sandalwood, Lilac, Verbena, Tea Rose, etc.
Flowers: Trout Lily, Sea Lavender.
Offerings: Salt water fish, brown sugar, grapes, pears, watermelon, pineapples, papayas, apples, white wine, cane syrup, cowries, white coins, etc.
Day of the Week: Saturday
Festival Days: February 2nd, September 7th , Mother’s day.
Syncretized Catholic Saint: The Virgin of Regla
Locations: Ocean, beach, large pond, maternity wards, day care centers, or wedding venues.
How to Invoke Orisha Yamaya when seeking a child:
- Spread a green handkerchief over your altar.
- Place her statue on the handkerchief.
- Anoint your Yamaya 7 day orisha candle with yamaya oil.
- Light your candle .
- Cut into halves the pomegranate and apply honey to both sides.
- Write your name and your partners name on the piece of paper and place it in between the pomegranate.
- Join the halves together and press tightly.
- Call onto Orisha Yamaya by reciting:
“Hail Yemaya, Blessed Mother of the Seas,
Let your sacred waters wash over me.
Oh! Mother of Fertility, embrace me, your humble child.
Here I come! Cleanse me, nurture me, sustain me.
Orisha Yemaya, the beautiful one
Who wears the Seven Skirts of the Seven Seas,
Swirl around me and create a flow of energy
That washes away all bane.
Oh Yemaya! Mistress of the Moon,
Shine your light onto me,
And fill me with your magic.Make me fertile! Help me to accomplish my goals,
Yemaya, the great goddess of the Ocean
I ask you to fill me with your healing energy.
Let your cleansing waters wash over me
Heal me with your regenerative powers.”
Call on her earnestly and tell her the issues you have with childbirth.
Always wear a Yamaya Camino necklace while you are expecting to conceive a child.
When you have conceived, offer sacrifices to her and ensure to dedicate the child to her when he/she is born.
Yemayá Oil – make your own!
To honour the Mother of the Seven Seas, draw love, fertility, and family connection, use this special oil.
- Verbena leaves
- Basil leaves
- Anise seeds
To each ½ ounce of oil, add a small crystal. Blend in grapeseed oil to honour the mother of all Orishas, Yemayá.
Source: Charms, Spells, and Formulas by Ray Malbrough.
Image Source: http://psychicwayne1.com/orisha-yemaya/