Correspondences considering astrology, the tarot, and the Orisha
The universe as a whole, as well as everything in it, is made up of four elements. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, form the very fiber of everything in existence. From the Astrological (Zodiac) Signs to the Tarot Cards used for divination are made up of The Elements, and ruled by them.
As for The Elements themselves, each Element is governed by the angelic emanations of The Creator, also known in the African Yoruba, Afro Cuban, and Afro Brazilian based religions as the Orisha.
Below is each Element, the Astrological sign they govern, the Tarot suit the Elements govern, their Characteristics, and the Orisha who govern them all.
Element of Fire govern Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Fire also govern the tarot suit of Wands (Clubs), ruling over Perception, Intuition, Insight, Activity, Phallic Energy.
Orisha of influence: Eleggua, Ogun, Oshosi, Aganyú, Shango, Oya.
Element of Water govern Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Water also govern the tarot suit of Cups (Hearts), ruling over Inner Emotional Activity, Love, Feelings, Sexual Energy.
Orisha of influence: Olokun, Yemaya, Oshun, Oya.
Element of Air govern Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. Air also govern the tarot suit of Swords (Spades), ruling over Mental and/or Spiritual Condition, Processes, Attitudes.
Orisha of influence: Eleggua, Ogun, Oya, Ayao.
Element of Earth govern Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Earth also govern the tarot suit of Disks (Diamonds), ruling over External, Physical, Material, Health, Finances.
Orisha of influence: Orunmila (Orunla), Eleggua, Obatala, Orisha Oke, Yewa, Oba, Osain, Orisha Oko, Oshun, Ajé Shaluga, Babalu Aiye, Inle.
The Elements of Fire and Air are considered Active and support each other.
The Elements of Water and Earth are considered Passive and support each other.
The Elements of Fire and Water are opposites, therefore weaken each other.
The Elements of Air and Earth are opposites, therefore weaken each other.
The Elements of Fire and Earth have little affect on each other.
The Elements of Water and Air have little affect on each other.