Hoodoo Luck Spells

Mojo Bag for Good Luck

Hoodoo and other folk magic practices are such an indulgence for me. As a black magic practitioner, I don’t need to do folk magic or even witchcraft, but I want to do it. Perhaps it’s because I love playing around with all of the tools involved, I love getting messy, I love nature and the whole process of collecting herbs and then using them in a magical way.

Lucky lottery oil

A Hoodoo luck spell can be beneficial in several ways, especially if you’re looking to attract positive energy, opportunities, and overall good fortune into your life. Yes, you can feel the benefit of doing a single spell, but I really recommend you back up this spell with other tricks too.

Such as

  • spiritual bathing to cleanse you from negative energies and evil eyes.
  • Create a Mojo or a gris gris bag that you hold with you at all times until enough luck has come into your life where you can thank the little bag and bury it.
  • Create a jar for luck and abundance – and each day you shake this jar, petitioning the spiritual world to think of you throughout the day and share its blessings upon you.
  • Candle magic, where you’re starting a jar, candle or a figure candle. Maybe once a week maybe once a month, petitioning for luck to be shared your way.
  • You would also be wearing some talisman that is going to attract luck, because the talisman you’re wearing energetically attracts luck.

Here’s how Hoodoo Luck Spells could help you:

1. Attracting Prosperity

  • Benefit: Hoodoo spells often focus on drawing wealth and abundance. By using specific ingredients or rituals, you can enhance your chances of financial success.

2. Enhancing Opportunities

  • Benefit: Luck spells can open doors to new opportunities, whether in your career, relationships, or personal projects. This can lead to positive changes and growth in your life.

3. Removing Blocks

  • Benefit: Many Hoodoo spells are designed to clear away obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goals. By addressing negative energies or influences, you can create a more favorable environment for luck to thrive.

4. Boosting Confidence

  • Benefit: Engaging in a luck spell can empower you and boost your confidence. Feeling more positive and assured can attract luck naturally as you take proactive steps toward your goals.

5. Ritual and Intention Setting

  • Benefit: The process of performing a Hoodoo luck spell involves setting clear intentions. This focus helps align your energy with your desires, making it more likely for them to manifest.

6. Spiritual Connection

  • Benefit: Hoodoo often incorporates the help of ancestors or spiritual guides. Connecting with these energies can provide additional support and encouragement in your endeavors.

7. Personal Empowerment

  • Benefit: Practicing Hoodoo spells can foster a sense of agency and empowerment, reminding you that you have the ability to influence your circumstances.

8. Community and Tradition

  • Benefit: Engaging with Hoodoo traditions can connect you to a broader community and cultural practices, enriching your spiritual experience.

Overall, a Hoodoo luck spell can help you manifest positive changes, attract opportunities, and empower you to take control of your life. The key lies in your intention, focus, and willingness to embrace the changes that come with the practice.

Petition paper ideas for Luck Spells

In folk magic we typically write our petition on a piece of paper and then use it in some creative wait relevant to what we’re doing. Seals can be very effective to use as a petition paper, because it has multiple benefits such as the symbolism on the seal, which will give an added benefit to what you’re actually doing. In luck spells, one of the best seal you can use is that of the M-20 seal for good luck.

M 20 Seal Of Good Luck
M 20 Seal Of Good Luck

Overview of the M-20 Seal of Good Luck

The M-20 Seal of Good Luck is part of a system of seals and symbols often associated with talismanic magic, particularly in various occult and esoteric traditions. Here’s a general overview:


  • The M-20 Seal is intended to attract good fortune, success, and positive outcomes in various endeavors. It is commonly used in rituals aimed at improving luck in areas like finances, relationships, and personal achievements.


  • The specific symbols and designs used in the M-20 Seal may carry meanings that relate to abundance, prosperity, and protective energies. The arrangement and shape of the seal can enhance its potency.

Using the M-20 Seal of Good Luck

1. Creating the Seal

  • Materials: You can create the seal on paper, cloth, or another surface. Use colored ink or paint that resonates with luck, such as green or gold.
  • Inscription: While drawing the seal, focus on your intention and visualize the luck you wish to attract.

2. Ritual Application

  • Setting Intentions: Before using the seal, clearly define what you seek luck in (e.g., career, finances).
  • Ceremony: You might light candles, burn incense, or perform other ritual actions to empower the seal.
  • Meditation: Spend time meditating on the seal, visualizing it as a source of luck and positive energy flowing into your life.

3. Carrying the Seal

  • Talisman: You can carry a small version of the seal as a talisman or keep it in your wallet or sacred space to continuously draw in good luck.

Incorporating the M-20 Seal of Good Luck into a mojo bag enhances its potency and provides a continuous source of luck and positive energy. With focused intention and care, your mojo bag can serve as a powerful tool in your magical practice.

Mojo Bag for Good Luck
Mojo Bag for Good Luck

Creating a Mojo Bag with the M-20 Seal of Good Luck

Materials Needed

  • M-20 Seal of Good Luck: You can draw or print it on paper.
  • Small Cloth Bag: Typically made of green or gold fabric, colors associated with luck and prosperity.
  • Lucky Items: Include other items that symbolize luck, such as:
    • A four-leaf clover
    • A small piece of citrine or pyrite
    • A coin or token
    • Dried herbs (like basil or cinnamon)
  • Personal Items: Adding something personal, like a strand of hair or a small photo, can increase the bag’s power.

Steps to Create Your Mojo Bag

  1. Prepare Your Space
    • Find a quiet area where you can focus. Light a candle and some incense to set the mood and cleanse the space.
  2. Draw or Print the Seal
    • Inscribe or print the M-20 Seal of Good Luck on a small piece of paper. Focus on your intention as you create it.
  3. Assemble the Bag
    • Place the seal in the center of your cloth bag.
    • Add your chosen lucky items around the seal. Visualize them working together to attract good luck.
  4. Charge the Bag
    • Hold the bag in your hands and close your eyes. Visualize a bright light surrounding it, infusing it with energy.
    • Speak your intention out loud, affirming what you want to attract. You can say something like: “With this seal and these items, I attract good luck and positive energy into my life.”
  5. Seal the Bag
    • Tie or close the bag securely, ensuring the contents are safe inside.
  6. Use the Mojo Bag
    • Carry the mojo bag with you, or keep it in a place where you want to attract luck, such as your home or workspace.
    • Whenever you need a boost of luck, hold the bag and focus on your intentions.


  • Recharge Regularly: Periodically, take the bag out and re-energize it by repeating the charging process.
  • Cleanse: If you feel the energy waning or if you’ve faced challenges, cleanse the bag by passing it through incense smoke or leaving it in moonlight overnight.


Using Hoodoo Herbs in Good Luck Spells

Folk magic is all about using what is available to you in your kitchen right now. So if I could guess what you had in your cupboard, I bet you have something already for good luck.?

Here are some popular Hoodoo herbs commonly used in good luck spells:

1. Cinnamon

  • Properties: Attracts prosperity and good luck. It’s often used in money spells and to enhance the effectiveness of other ingredients.
  • Usage: Can be sprinkled in spells or used as an oil for anointing candles.

2. Basil

  • Properties: Known as a herb of wealth and good fortune. It is also believed to protect against negativity.
  • Usage: Use fresh or dried basil in mojo bags or sprinkle it around your workspace.

3. Chamomile

  • Properties: Associated with attracting luck and prosperity. It’s also used for calming energies.
  • Usage: Brew as a tea or add dried flowers to spells and charm bags.

4. Clover

  • Properties: Particularly four-leaf clovers are known for bringing good luck and fortune.
  • Usage: Dried clovers can be included in spells or carried as a charm.

5. Bay Leaves

  • Properties: Used for protection and prosperity. Writing wishes on bay leaves and burning them is a common practice.
  • Usage: Place a bay leaf in your wallet for financial luck.

6. Ginger

  • Properties: Known for its ability to attract good luck, especially in business and financial matters.
  • Usage: Can be added to spells, teas, or carried as a talisman.

7. Nutmeg

  • Properties: Often associated with success and luck, especially in love and relationships.
  • Usage: Use in spell jars or sprinkle it around your home for a luck boost.

8. Allspice

  • Properties: Attracts money and luck while providing protection.
  • Usage: Sprinkle it in spells or use it in ritual baths.

9. Dill

  • Properties: Associated with good luck and protection, especially in business dealings.
  • Usage: Use in charm bags or as a protective herb in spells.

10. Alfalfa

  • Properties: Known for attracting abundance and luck in various areas of life.
  • Usage: Include in money spells or as a supplement in mojo bags.

Hoodoo herbs can enhance your good luck spells and rituals. Choose the ones that resonate with your intention, and incorporate them thoughtfully into your magical practice for the best results.

  • Mojo Bags: Combine several of these herbs in a small cloth bag with your intention to carry with you.
  • Candles: Dress candles with oils infused with these herbs for added power during rituals.
  • Baths: Create a ritual bath by infusing herbs in water to cleanse and attract luck.

Hoodoo Spirits to Ask For Help In Luck Magic

In Hoodoo, various spirits and entities can be petitioned for assistance with spells and magical work. Here are some key spirits and how you can connect with them:

1. Ancestors

  • Role: Ancestors are often honored and called upon for guidance and support. They can provide wisdom and help manifest your desires.
  • How to Petition: Set up an ancestor altar with photos, candles, and offerings like food or drink. Speak to them directly, expressing your needs and intentions.

2. Saint Expedite

  • Role: Known for helping with urgent matters and bringing swift results, Saint Expedite is often petitioned for luck and success.
  • How to Petition: Light a red candle in his honor, say a prayer, and offer a small token (like a flower or a piece of cake) while asking for his assistance.

3. The Seven African Powers

  • Role: A group of spirits representing various African deities, each with unique powers and attributes. They are often called upon for different aspects of life.
  • How to Petition: Create an altar with representations of each power. Light candles and speak your intentions clearly.

4. Mama Brigitte

  • Role: A spirit associated with death and the afterlife, Mama Brigitte is also known for her protective and healing qualities.
  • How to Petition: Light a black or white candle, offer rum or bread, and ask for her guidance in your spell work.

5. Legba

  • Role: Known as the guardian of the crossroads, Legba is a spirit that opens doors and facilitates communication with other spirits.
  • How to Petition: Set up a small altar with offerings like tobacco or candy and ask him to open the path for your intentions.

How to Petition Spirits for Help

  1. Set Your Intentions: Clearly define what you need assistance with.
  2. Create a Sacred Space: Light candles and burn incense to cleanse the area.
  3. Offerings: Provide offerings that resonate with the spirit you’re petitioning.
  4. Speak Directly: Use respectful language and speak clearly about your desires. You can use prayers, chants, or simply speak from the heart.
  5. Follow Up: After your petition, express gratitude and continue to honor the spirit with offerings or prayers.

Pulling the above information together to create a fabulous hoodoo luck spell

Creating a Hoodoo spell to attract more luck into your life involves a blend of intention, specific herbs, and ritual actions. Here’s a detailed guide on how to perform a good luck spell:

Materials Needed

  1. A Small Green or Gold Candle: Green symbolizes prosperity, while gold represents abundance and success.
  2. Hoodoo Herbs for Luck:
    • Cinnamon
    • Basil
    • Chamomile
    • Nutmeg
    • Dill
  3. A Small Bowl or Dish: For mixing herbs.
  4. Paper and Pen: To write your intentions.
  5. A Mojo Bag: A small cloth bag, preferably in green or gold.
  6. Optional: A lucky charm or small token (like a coin or four-leaf clover).

Steps to Perform the Spell

1. Set Your Intention

  • Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.
  • Think about what you specifically want to attract: is it financial luck, success in a project, or general good fortune? Be clear about your intention.

2. Prepare the Candle

  • Anoint the candle with a bit of olive oil or a luck-enhancing oil (like cinnamon oil) by rubbing it from the bottom to the top, focusing on drawing luck toward you.
  • As you anoint the candle, say something like: “As I light this candle, I draw good luck and fortune into my life.”

3. Create a Herb Mixture

  • In the small bowl, combine equal parts of the herbs: cinnamon, basil, chamomile, nutmeg, and dill. As you mix them, visualize the herbs working together to attract good luck.
  • You can also say an affirmation, such as: “With these herbs, I attract abundance and good fortune.”

4. Write Your Intention

  • On a piece of paper, write your intention clearly. For example: “I am open to receiving luck in all areas of my life.”
  • Fold the paper towards you to symbolize drawing luck into your life.

5. Assemble the Mojo Bag

  • Place the herb mixture into the mojo bag.
  • Add the folded paper with your intention.
  • If you have a lucky charm or token, include it in the bag as well.
  • Close the bag securely, tying it with a green or gold thread if possible.

6. Light the Candle

  • Place the candle in front of you, ideally next to the mojo bag.
  • Light the candle and focus on the flame. Visualize your intention coming to fruition. Imagine luck flowing into your life like a warm, golden light.

7. Meditate and Visualize

  • Spend a few moments in meditation, visualizing yourself surrounded by good luck. Feel the positive energy and excitement of your wishes being fulfilled.

8. Closing the Ritual

  • Allow the candle to burn down completely if possible, but if you need to extinguish it, do so respectfully (never blow it out; use a candle snuffer or pinch it).
  • Keep the mojo bag with you or place it in a special spot in your home to continue drawing in luck.


  • Recharge the Mojo Bag: Every few weeks, take out the mojo bag and repeat the charging process to keep the energy active.
  • Express Gratitude: Always express gratitude for any luck or blessings that come your way, reinforcing the positive energy.


This Hoodoo spell for attracting luck is a blend of intention, herbs, and ritual action. By following these steps and maintaining a positive mindset, you can enhance your chances of drawing good fortune into your life.

The way I can best serve you is answer any questions you have about hoodoo luck magic in the comment section below. I come back as a teacher to this website every Thursday, so write your questions below and I’ll come back and answer them the best I can next week.

Thanks for reading and bye for now.

If you’re interested in us conducting Hoodoo services for you, check out these:

Luck Spell

Manifesting Wealth in 38 Days: A Hoodoo Ritual for Abundance

Hoodoo Style Money Spells

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