Oyá is the Goddess of the Marketplace, and the Goddess of winds and hurricanes, lightning, fertility, fire and magic. She is also the guardian of cemeteries and the underworld.

Oya is the Spirit of the Wind in the West African religious tradition called “Ifa”, The word Oya is the name given to describe a complex convergence of Spiritual Forces that are key elements in the Ifa concept of change. Those Spiritual Forces that form the foundation of Oya’s role in the Spirit realm relate to the movement between dynamics and form as it exists throughout the Universe.

According to Ifa, dynamics and form represent the polarity between the forces of expansion and contraction. Together these Forces create light and darkness, which in turn sustains and defines all that is. According to Ifa, it is the interaction between light and darkness that generates the physical Universe and it is the Oya who keeps this interaction in a constant state of flux.

In Yoruba mythology, Oyá is the Goddess of the Niger River. Her purpose is for ancestral connection and success in the marketplace, and is called upon when a great change is needed. Oyá is a powerful warrior, and the wife of Changó. She epitomizes female power and righteous anger. Her full name is Oyá-Yansan, which means “mother of nine.”

In Brazilian Umbanda she is represented by Saint Barbara. Her feast day is February 2.

Oyá also known as Ollá, Yansa or Iansán is a fierce and powerful female warrior in Santeria. She was the favourite wife of Shango and is referred to as the owner of the marketplace and the keeper of the cemetery gates. She wields lightning and rides the winds into battle. She is a great warrior who goes to war with machetes and tornados and raises armies from the dead. Oyá has been syncretized in Santeria with the Catholic images of Our Lady of Candelaria (Our Lady of the Presentation) and St. Theresa.

Orisha Oya is closely related to Iku, the divinity of death. She promotes storms, strong or hurricane winds and sparks.  The winds of Oya carry the pollen of different plants from one place to another.

Oya is also the air we breathe; she provides the air with the right amount of oxygen to keep us alive and functioning. Together with Eleguá , Orunla and Obatalá she dominates the four winds. She is symbolized as a violent and impetuous character.

Other Areas of Influence:

You can make petitions to Oya whenever you need a change or transition in your life. She can also guard you through life’s chaotic streams by sending some angels to you. She is also a protector of those who worship her as she fights their enemies with fire and wind.

Are you a single mother who is struggling to cater for your kids? Call on Oya to assist you because she helps women to prosper in their businesses.

Characteristics of Orisha Oya

Associated Number: 9

Astrology: Signs of Scorpio and Capricorn

Chakra: Third Eye

Favourite Colors:  Brown, maroon, purple, black, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, white, and pink.

Elements: Fire and wind.

Locations: Storms, winds, lightning, market place, cemetery, etc.

Tarot: The Wheel of Fortune card, Ace of Swords, Page or knight of swords.

Symbols: An eleke designed with special brown bead with thin white and black stripes. This eleke utilizes coral and burgundy crystals. She is also seen with a sword.

Costumes: Oya wears a red dress and a skirt with 9 stripes of different colours.  She carries a saber and a ponytail as a sign of dignity. Worshippers of Oya can also wear dry fibre dress from the top of the royal palm, called yagua and use a nine coloured ribbons as a head covering.

Favourite Meals: plums, eggplants, red wine, black beans, rice, chickpeas, chocolate pudding and purple grapes.  She loves chocolate, popcorn and sesame seeds, especially caramel corn or sesame candy.

Animals: Birds in general, pigeons, guinea hen, goats and black hens.

Tools: machetes, masks, scythe, horsetail fly-whisk (iruke)

Gemstones:  Amethyst, garnets, black opals, labradorite.

Celebrated on: February 2

Syncretized as: Our Lady of Candlemas or Saint Theresa.

Oya’s Children:

Oya was initially married to Ogun before she fell in love with Shango and followed him. This contributed to the misunderstanding between Ogun and Shango. Due to her bravery and strength, she was Shango’s favourite. They went to wars together and loved each other passionately, which undoubtedly bothered Oshun and Obba, the other two women of King Shango.

Orisha Oya endured much sadness in her life. She gave birth to nine different stillborn children and for this reason, she carries much sadness and dresses in nine different coloured scarves around her waist in memory of her lost children.




Recommended Book

Seven African Powers: The Orishas (African Magic Book 2)
by Oshun Publications, LLC

Today, many Yoruban and other West Africans still turn to the Orishas for help and guidance in not only their little problems, but also the big ones of life.

Amazon only – Price around $4.99