Dragon’s blood refers to the bright red gum resin of the Dragon palm tree. The red resin was used in ancient times as varnish, medicine, incense, and dye. It was used in medieval ritual magic and alchemy. It continues to be employed for the aforementioned purposes by some. In Hoodoo and New Orleans Voodoo, it is used in mojo hands for money-drawing or love-drawing and is used as incense to cleanse a space of negative entities or influences.
This dark blood red resin – which is associated with the element of fire and the planet Mars – is extracted from the fruit and stem of the Dracaena plant. It is typically used in its crystallized form or as a powder. Obtaining it is somewhat difficult since a spiny outer layer protects the fruits. When extracted, its fruits are collected and stored in bags, then whipped to loosen the resin. The resin powder is then sieved and heated to form lumps.
The Dragon Blood Resin has been in use since ancient times. Due to its powerful healing ability, the Greeks and Romans used this resin to stop wounds bleeding during battles. Historically, it has been used in funeral rites and served as a powerful embalming agent.
Many people wonder WHY we do what we do in hoodoo magic and conjure – and the use of incense is commonly questioned. “If Hoodoo is not a religion and you have no church or temple, what is the purpose of incense?” And it is a valid question, since we already use roots and oils!
As Hoodoo is a fusion of many cultures and practices, the use of incense and resins was introduced as more people began practising hoodoo and conjure. Christian conjure workers added resins like Frankincense and Myrrh. Native smudging with Sage, Sweetgrass, and other herbs was also retained among workers of mixed Black and Native ethnicity. The European Hermetic occult traditions had an enormous impact on hoodoo and the use of specific resins for specific reasons was introduced.
The Uses of Dragon’s Blood in Hoodoo & Witchcraft
- When used in spells, it serves as a catalyst that promotes the effectiveness of the spell. It is commonly used in love rituals too.
- During ritual ceremonies, Dragon Blood incense is used to purify the atmosphere before and after the ritual.
- It is used during spiritual baths to wash away negativities and restore mental and physical health.
- It also helps to accelerate the healing of emotional wounds, damages, jealousy and hatred.
- It can also be used to manipulate the character of another person.
- Its power is magnificent to eliminate dark spirits anchored to our being and release the astral garbage.
- This resin can be used to counter the effects of negative spells, black magic and witchcraft. The smoke produced by the incense of Dragon’s Blood is used as a barrier to avoid bad spirits or distorting negative energies that are around us.
- In talismanic magic, it is used to trace the pentagrams and signs, since its power multiplies the desired effect. Due to its powerfulness, the Dragon Blood Resin has been recommended by many wise men, magicians and alchemists.
- Due to its red color, the Dragon’s blood is also associated with love moorings. The Dragon’s blood resin and incense can be used to make someone fall in love and also bring back a partner that left. For sexual problems and impotence, place a piece of resin under your mattress.
- The Dragon’s blood has been used for a long time as an indelible ink. When used on a document, this resin protects the document making it almost indestructible. Only a strong magician can break a spell written with this ink. Due to its high price, Dragon’s blood is only used in official texts and documents of high importance.
- In order to add more power to a ritual, the Dragon Blood oil is commonly used to anoint candles, cauldrons and other ritual tools.
How to Burn Dragon’s Blood Resin on a Charcoal Disc
All resins must be burned on charcoal in order to produce incense smoke. A self-lighting charcoal disk is made of pressed hardwood charcoal and Saltpeter. The presence of the Saltpeter means that once you get the disk lit, it will continue to burn all the way through without going out and without needing to be fanned.
First, you need to look at the shape of the disc. The disk has a hollow (concave) side and a rounded (convex) side and there is a flat rim all around the concave side.
To use the charcoal is for witchcraft, I recommend using tongs so to hold the disc in a horizontal position. Do not hold the disc with your fingers – that’s why tong were invented 🙂
You want to set the disc burning along the rim of the concave side, all at once. To do this, hold the disc rounded side facing up, and place the entire disc over the flame, until the whole rim area is ignited.
Flip it over and place it in the incense burner aka brazier with the rounded side on the bottom (you are looking at the concave side), so that air can circulate freely under and around it. And so the resin can sit in the centre without rolling off the disc!
Next, place a piece of resin into the hollow portion that is now on top. You are now a professional!
How to Make Dragon’s Blood Ink
Dragon’s blood resin is also added to red ink to make “Dragon’s Blood Ink”, which is used to inscribe magical seals and talismans. A great quality ink is expensive! No need to spend lots of money in rootwork (it goes against the idea that you use what you have around you to create magic). Still, just for your information, a high quality dragon’s blood resin is a deep full blood red and makes a beautiful ink.
To make your own Dragon’s Blood Ink, you will need:
- High-Quality Red Ink
- Dragon’s blood resin
Just crush the resin and add to the ink! That’s it.
How to Break Down Dragon Blood Resin

The easiest way to use this resin is to break it into smaller pieces that are easier to use. You can do this with a large mortar, or just use a hammer.
TIP — Place a bal/piece of Dragon Blood Resin in a plastic bag and place that bag inside another more resistant bag, this would prevent the resin from being scattered during the breaking process. Place the wrapped resin on a hard surface then tap it gently but with a hammer until it has broken into smaller pieces.
Other Ideas:
- If you use it together with camphor, its power will be greater. Sprinkle some Dragon Blood powder around your house and at the entrances to expel evil and negativity.
- To calm a noisy house, mix the Dragon Blood powder with sugar and salt, and place it in a bottle. Close the bottle firmly and store it somewhere in your house and you will have peace and tranquillity for a long time in your home.
- To get money and luck, anoint your money candle with a Dragon’s blood oil. It would enhance the effectiveness of your money rituals.
TIP – Buying the witchcraft store ink and adding a piece of resin is actually affordable – Under $10, and the kits will normally come with a quill and paper.